Welcome to the PolarLight StarCart Demo Online Store The Public Eye

In this demonstration store, we have chosen to sell astronomical "products", including Auroras , Nebulas , Galaxies , Planets , and Surprises.

Please keep in mind that these "products" are not really for sale - they simply show the possibilities for your own online store if you choose to use the high-quality PolarLight StarCart shopping cart system.

As you explore this prototype online store, feel free to test the shopping cart feature - You can even try to checkout and pretend to send us an "order".

Note that your "order" is NOT sent to a real company - you are just testing our online demo store.

The PolarLight StarCart shopping cart system provides the following features:

  • Friendly, intuitive navigation of the online store
  • Quick response time for making changes to the shopping cart (adding, deleting, or modifying)
  • Ability to add an item to the shopping cart from thumbnail views or enlarged views
  • Letting the shopper (you) control when to view the shopping cart (and NOT every time you add an item to the shopping cart)
  • Friendly, useful prompts to make sure the order form is filled out properly
  • Ability to specify a custom gift-wrap message on a per-item basis

IMPORTANT NOTE OF CREDIT: Please note that all the "products" we are pretending to sell are derived from NASA's astronomical archives at the Astronomy Picture of the Day, which is authored and edited by Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (USRA). If you happen to have an interest in astronomy, you will find this a delightful resource of incredible pictures and associated information.

And, we believe in all the products we sell! Be sure to read about our very unique 100% Guarantee of Satisfaction policy - we feel very confident about the quality of our products and stand behind them like no other company you've dealt with before.

Remember, we care what you think! If you would like to give us some feedback, we have a very simple survey form. It will only take a minute and would help us to better serve your needs.

Thank you!

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[ Auroras | Nebulas | Galaxies | Planets | Surprises ]

Web site design by PolarLight
Please mail your comments and questions to: webmaster@polarlight.com